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Friday, April 14, 2017

WATCH: Lockheed’s Sikorsky Touts Coaxial Attack Helo Concept

Lockheed Martin Corp.’s Sikorsky unit is out out with a new video touting its concept for a coaxial attack helicopter for the U.S. Army.

The three-and-a-half-minute animated video was released Monday and features the company’s idea for an assault and attack variant of the SB>1 Defiant, a large coaxial design it’s pitching for the U.S. Army‘s Joint Multi-Role (JMR) technology demonstrator and Future Vertical Lift (FVL) programs.

The attack version will cruise at more than 250 knots — nearly double the speed of the average helo, perform a hover out of ground effect (HOGE) at 6,000 feet and 95 degrees Fahrenheit — which at standard temperature is almost the equivalent of flying at 14,000 feet, and hold a crew of four and up to 12 combat-equipped troops or room for up to eight litters, according to the commercial.

With increased range and payload, the choppers could be refueled by KC-130J and next-generation Air Force tankers, according to the advertisement.

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Greatest Prank Call Of All Time...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Girls With Guns


Old Ironsides In War, Rum, Whiskey, Wine, Water, Cannon Shot And Priorities Therein....

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BREAKING: House GOP to File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner in IRS Scandal (VIDEO)

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) went on with Stewart Varney on Thursday morning to discuss recent developments on Capitol Hill.

Roskam told Stewart House Republicans are planning of filing criminal charges against Lois Lerner.

Read More HERE

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Julian Assange associate: It was a leak, not a hack and the DNC insider is NOT Russian

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Congress expands 'unmasking' probe amid questions over Rice role

The House and Senate intelligence committees are expanding their investigation into the so-called “unmasking” controversy, Fox News has learned, to examine whether other candidates or lawmakers beyond President Trump’s associates were affected.

Until now, the investigation focused on how the identities and communications of Trump transition members were collected by U.S. intelligence agencies and then revealed to, and disseminated among, high-ranking members of the Obama administration.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., now plans to audit files from the National Security Agency and White House to determine whether identities and conversations of presidential candidates -- or members of Congress -- also were swept up during NSA surveillance of foreign leaders. He also plans to review whether Obama’s National Security Council and White House counsel collected and distributed the intelligence for reasons unrelated to foreign intelligence.

“We will be performing an accounting of all unmasking for political purposes focused on the previous White House administration,” a member of the committee told Fox News. “This is now a full-blown investigation.”

Staffers on the Senate committee told Fox News they also have expanded their investigation into whether presidential candidates were unmasked and information was misused -- and what role former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, among others, played following reports that she...

Sean Spicer: More And More Reports Show President Obama Spied On Trump Campaign

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked a question about the unmasking of American citizens in intelligence reports, and whether or not the White House was aware of who had done the masking and, more importantly to some, who ordered the unmasking to be done.

Spicer replied that too many people were focused on the process of the investigation rather than the substance.

“I know a lot of folks want to talk about the process and not the surveillance and the underlying issue of the substance — the unmasking and leaks is what we should all be concerned about.”

Spicer went on to lay out the facts, as they were at the time of the press briefing, suggesting that the president was correct in claiming that the previous administration was gathering intelligence on his people.

He explained, that on March 2nd, an Obama administration foreign policy expert, Dr. Evelyn Farkas, was making an appearance on television, admitting to the collecting of intelligence on Donald Trump and his people.

“I was urging my former colleagues, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill; I was telling people on the Hill, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can. I had a fear that they were essentially watching the Trump staff, and he was worried about the Trump administration.”

It was within days of Farkas making this statement that...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Marvel Comics Goes Full Fatwa - A Rant

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

United Airlines Beating The ...

The Twisted AGenda Of The Leftist Media....

Could you imagine FDR saying, 'We were attacked yesterday on Pearl Harbor. I really don't want to talk about who did it?' Republicans rip into Obama's tone-deaf terrorism speech

Stay Quiet And You'll Be Okay....

How did that work out?

The Ghost Of Spying Past...

North Korean Roulette...

North Korea warns military cleared to wage nuclear attack against US

The Road To Communism Is Not A Game...

Communist North Korea Vs. Capitalist South Korea

Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter Fighting Voter Integrity Lawsuits

George Soros and his henchmen are determined to make sure that the American people do not wrest power from the political and media elites that he bankrolls. They are doing their best to make sure that America never, ever becomes great again.

“Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Elizabeth Warren’s Daughter Fighting Voter Integrity Lawsuits,” by Joe Schoffstall, Washington Free Beacon, April 11, 2017:

An organization funded by liberal billionaire George Soros and chaired by Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is fighting lawsuits brought forth by election integrity groups in a number of cities.

Demos, a New York City-based progressive public policy organization, is assisting unions in pushing back against election lawsuits filed in North Carolina and Florida. The group is also writing letters of interest in another lawsuit in Pennsylvania. Amelia Warren Tyagi, Warren’s daughter, chairs the board of Demos.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based legal group that litigates to protect election integrity, filed a lawsuit against...

Jeff Sessions Delivers Sweeping Reforms to Protect the Border and US Citizens

Attorney General Jeff Sessions paid a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border today during a trip to Nogales, Arizona, where he spoke to a group of Customs and Border Protection agents and prosecutors.

He referred to the southwest border as “ground zero” in the fight against “transnational gangs like MS-13 and international cartels [that] flood our country with drugs and leave death and violence in their wake.” He added that “it is here that criminal aliens and the coyotes and the document-forgers seek to overthrow our system of lawful immigration.”

Sessions pledged to ratchet up the fight against “criminal organizations that turn cities and suburbs into warzones, that rape and kill innocent citizens, and who profit by smuggling poison and other human beings across our borders” using “[d]epravity and violence a[s] their calling cards, including brutal machete attacks and beheadings.”

Sessions declared: “For those that continue to seek improper and illegal entry into this country, be forewarned: This is a new era. This is the Trump era. The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws, and the catch and release practices of old are over.”

Sessions backed up this statement by unveiling a series of new policies.

First, he announced that...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Feminists Love Islamists..

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Girls With Guns

Lobster Fishing Level 10

Check Mate...

Working For The Government..

Rewarding Illegal Behavior Leads To More Illegal Behavior...

You Dig...

Clint Eastwood Rocks.

More Clint Eastwood:

Too Many Assholes, Not Enough Bullets..

I Don't Know Exactly When The Pussy Generation Started...

Clint Eastwood On Fiscal Responsibility

Muslim Artist Inserts Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Messages in Marvel's X-Men Comic

Marvel is still dealing with the fallout from their effort to win the SJW market in comics, so the last thing they need is a controversy. Unfortunately, one of their artists didn't get the message. Ardian Syaf draws comics for Marvel, which one might think wouldn't let him do a lot with characters. After all, don't writers create the ideas and the artists just draw them?
Well, Syaf figured out how to insert his Islamic faith into one of the most recent X-Men titles, following a politician in his native Indonesia referring to a specific piece of the Koran.
The verse translates into English as “O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are, in fact, allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is one of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.”
A more common Indonesian translation of the verse, however, states that “Muslims should not appoint the Jews and Christians as their leader.” So. What has this to do with...

The True Genius of The Left Used To Be The Ability To Control The Media...

The internet has changed the left's ability to control the media as evidenced by the recent election results. As we currently see on twitter, youtube and facebook, they are trying to get their unbalanced hegemony of media control back. 

Original Transcript Of 1984 By George Orwell

GREAT NEWS! US Expected to Return 4,000 Somali Migrants to Their Homeland

Somalia's U.S. ambassador says his embassy has learned that U.S. immigration agents are planning to deport about 4,000 Somali nationals now living in the United States.

"We learned through immigration sources that the total number of the Somalis that are in the books of [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to be removed are close to 4,000," Ahmed Isse Awad told VOA's Somali service Saturday. "Most of them are not in detention centers."

Since Somalia's embassy in Washington reopened in November 2015, the ambassador said, about 170 Somali immigrants who either ran afoul of U.S. law or had their asylum applications rejected have been deported to Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

Most of those previously deported had applied for but been denied political asylum in the U.S., he added. Another group of Somali applicants whose requests for asylum have been denied are now...

‘Hate Crime’ Blamed on Trump and ‘White America’ Unravels After Police Arrest Black Arson Suspect

An apparent hate crime which was blamed on supporters of Donald Trump and “White America” has started to unravel after officers arrested a black suspect.

Curtis Flournoy, 32, was arrested by officers in Charlotte, North Carolina, over an arson attack on an Indian food store run by a refugee.

He is accused of setting the store alight and leaving behind a note which claims the attack is part of a pro-Trump plan to rid North Carolina of immigrants – starting with store owner Kamal Dhimal.

It demanded all immigrants leave or face a wave of “torture” and was signed “White America”:

United Air Lines Training Video...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

How Socialism Ruined My Country


Monday, April 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Monday: Baseball Babes
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
American Power has: Rule 5 Sunday
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

The Amazing Origins Of Wind Chimes...

Hanging The Bones Of Your Enemies Around You? Vlad The Impaler Would Approve...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Discovers Marshmallows..

Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910 or Photo Collection #7

Photo Collection #7

Hot dog stand - Chicago 1962

Government And Corporations Are Spying On Us... Why?

When people in power fear their own population, they are up to no good.
Drain The Swamp.