90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

No Need To Deal With The Rape Gangs...

U.K. Embraces ISIS Returnees, Cracks Down On Right-Wing Journalists

A College Professor Prepares His Curriculum On Socialism...

Here Are The Top Five Most Insane 2017 Professor Tweets

Welcome To California...

Brutal: The Cost of Illegal Immigration in Just One State

James Clapper: Deep State Point Man

As the House Intelligence Committee on Monday announced its findings that there was no collusion between Team Trump and Russia, more evidence of the collusion between Deep State swamp creatures and a disloyal media to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump was also revealed. James Clapper has been exposed as both a perjurer and a criminal leaker of classified information to the press.

The cynicism of Americans regarding integrity and accountability in government grew as swamp thing James Clapper avoided his part of the bog being drained. The statute of limitations for prosecuting his perjury before Congress regarding surveillance of Americans expired on Monday:
Clapper, director of national intelligence from 2010 to 2017, admitted giving "clearly erroneous" testimony about mass surveillance in March 2013, and offered differing explanations for why.
Two criminal statutes that cover lying to Congress have five-year statutes of limitations, establishing a Monday deadline to charge Clapper, who in retirement has emerged as a leading critic of President Trump.
The under-oath untruth was exposed by National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who sparked national debate on surveillance policy with leaks to the press.
Many members of Congress, mostly Republicans supportive of new limits on electronic surveillance, called for Clapper to be prosecuted as the deadline neared, saying unpunished perjury jeopardizes the ability of Congress to perform oversight.
"He admitted to lying to Congress and was unremorseful and flippant about it," Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., told the Washington Examiner. "The integrity of our federal government is at stake because his behavior sets the standard for the entire intelligence community."

Right now his behavior wouldn't set the standard for a shoplifter at a convenience store, as this poster child for corruption is revealed by relentless investigative journalist Sara Carter to have leaked classified information to CNN regarding briefings on the Steele dossier to President Obama and then-president-elect Trump – leaks he himself hypocritically condemned.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper allegedly leaked information to CNN early last year regarding the classified briefings given to then President-Elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama on the salacious dossier claiming the Russians had compromising information on the president-elect, according to government sources, who noted the evidence of the leak was collected during the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation.
Clapper, who was one of four senior Obama administration officials to attend the briefing with the presidents, also stated his "profound dismay at the leaks" in an official statement issued in January, 2017 and warned that the leaks were "extremely corrosive and damaging" to national security, according to his press release.
... according to government sources Clapper, who is not mentioned in the report released Monday, had spoken to...

Triggering The Anti-Gunners...

Florida Bans ‘Free-Speech Zones’ at State Colleges

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has signed into law a bill banning so-called “free-speech zones” at public universities and allowing students and speakers to sue the schools for violating their First Amendment rights.

Free-speech zones are limited areas, sometimes only fractions of a campus, where students may express themselves freely. Critics argue that an entire campus should allow free speech, not small and restrictive areas.

The legislation, called the Excellence in Higher Education Act, reads: “A public institution of higher education may not designate any area of campus as a free-speech zone or otherwise create policies restricting expressive activities to a particular outdoor area of campus.”

Students, faculty, and staff of a public institution of higher education may not “materially disrupt previously scheduled or reserved activities on campus occurring at the same time,” the new law says.

Scott, a Republican, signed the bill Sunday.

“No one has a right to shut down speech simply because it makes someone feel uncomfortable,” state Senate President Joe Negron, a Republican who made passage of the bill a top priority, said in a press release.

“Florida’s universities will continue to achieve national distinction because they are training our students to articulate and defend their ideas in an open, responsible way that prepares them for the real world.”

Supporters of the legislation pointed to the riots in February 2017 at the University of California, Berkeley, when demonstrators prevented libertarian commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, a Florida resident, from speaking on...

Freedom Of Speech Is Essential To Freedom...

Fight for your First Amendment Rights!

How The Southern Poverty Law Center Attacks And TERRORIZES Conservatives: A Firsthand and Account From A Former Member Of Congress

The Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson recently broke the exclusive story that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is “policing content on YouTube as part of YouTube’s ‘Trusted Flaggers’ program.”

Let me tell you why this news is scary as hell — from personal experience.

My name is Trey Radel. I’m a trilingual, well-traveled lover of all cultures and an easygoing kind of guy. I don’t say this to toot my own horn; I say it because underneath my passion for culture — as well as love and fascination with political foreign policy — is apparently something more sinister: I’m a “hater” and “extremist,” in league with murderers.

Here’s some background to illustrate just how much I friggin’ despise anyone different from my white upbringing.

In my twenties, I lived off about 10 bucks a day, backpacking from Colombia to Cambodia to soak up and learn different cultures, customs and languages. By age 30, after living and working in a few different countries, I was trilingual — fluent in Spanish, Italian and English. I’m such an observational nerd that I can tell you the distinct differences between Hispanic cultures and even fluently imitate the Spanish accents country to country throughout South America.

In my thirties, while serving in the United States Congress, the highly influential nonprofit Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), put me on a list titled, “The Year in Hate and Extremism.” Every year, the group publishes a list identifying racists, terrorists, murderers and hate groups. There’s a common thread, though. Many of the people and groups they identify happen to be Republican or conservative, or as they state, “far right.”

Apparently, I fit right in.

The SPLC put me on the list in 2013; I was in Congress then, a Spanish-speaking Republican, frequently seen in English and Spanish media. At the time, years before the issues were en vogue, I supported immigration reform as well as criminal justice reform, both policies clearly racist AF.

My “hater” ass made that SPLC hate list with some notable figures, including a neo-Nazi gunman “who stormed into a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, murdering six people before killing himself.” Sounds about right. The SPLC also put another member of Congress on the list: Senator Rand Paul. This guy despises minorities so much that, like me, he is a vocal opponent of the War on Drugs, rightly pointing out how it disproportionately harms minorities in our country.

What a racist dick.

How I made the list is almost as unbelievable as getting put on the list in the first place. A blogger published a roughly 15-second sound bite of me saying, “all options should be on the table” when it comes to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #195

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Girls With Guns

If You Watch CNN, You Are Retarded...

 More Twain:0

Mark Twain On The Simpleton Media...

Mark Twain On Being The Tea Party...

Mark Twain Wisdom

ISIS Training Class...


Chef Hillary's Culinary Delights!

Who Do The Democrats Stand For?

The Two Enemies Of The People Are..

-Thomas Jefferson

Brutal: The Cost of Illegal Immigration in Just One State

The Sorry State Of Almost All Media Today...

Whether it is entertainment, sports, comedy, documentaries, news or weather, the leftist propaganda in America is completely saturated and relentless. Yet somehow, Americans still resist and vote against the endless waves of cancer thrown at us...

More Polar Scientists Stuck in the Ice

US scientists appealed to Argentina for help when the US icebreaker Laurence M Gould failed to break through the ice.

A group of American scientists was rescued from an island off Antarctica’s coast after ice prevented a U.S. Antarctic Programresearch vessel from reaching them.

The four U.S. scientists and a support staff member conducting research on Antarctica’s Joinville Island were airlifted by helicopter Sunday from an icebreaker ship dispatched by Argentina, said the National Science Foundation, which funds and manages the Antarctic program.
related: Remember When This Global Warming Krew Got Stuck In The Ice?
Argentina sent the icebreaker ship after receiving a request for assistance on Friday, the country’s foreign ministry said Saturday. The Argentine ship has helicopters able to reach the group’s camp “regardless of the ice conditions,” the National Science Foundation, a U.S. government agency, said.
related: U.S. Must Build More Icebreakers Now
No doubt in a few decades helicopter rescues of scientists stuck in the global warming will be a thing of the past.

Having said that, perhaps the USA should consider upgrading its ice breaker fleet, just in case the...

U.K. Embraces ISIS Returnees, Cracks Down On Right-Wing Journalists

The U.K. is deeply worried about right-wing journalists visiting the country.

Over the weekend, British police detained and barred multiple right-wing personalities from entry in two separate incidents.

The first involved American YouTuber Brittany Pettibone and her boyfriend, Austrian identitarian activist Martin Sellner. Both were trying to get to the U.K. to interview Tommy Robinson, a vocal critic of Islam.

Instead, they were detained for several hours on Friday and eventually sent packing out of the country.

Early Monday morning, Canadian right-wing journalist Lauren Southern was also detained and barred entry into the U.K. Police accused her of being a “radical Christian,” asked her bizarre questions on car attacks and finally ruled she was too “racist” to walk around in Britain.

Police cited satirical “LGBT for Islam” flyers Southern handed out last month in Luton as proof she was a bigoted menace.

Aren’t the British supposed to have a sense of humor?

The U.K. has the right to deny entry to anyone it pleases. But who government officials allow in is a matter of concern.

Last year, it was reported that at least 400 former ISIS fighters had returned to Britain. However, U.K. officials like Max Hill weren’t too concerned about the large number of terrorists coming back to the homeland. “The authorities have looked at them and looked at them hard and have decided that they do not justify prosecution,” Hill said, adding that most of these barbaric Islamic militants were just “naive” youngsters.

His bigger concern was that the U.K. would “lose a generation” by not welcoming back these jihadis, not that the “reintegration” would jeopardize the safety of the British people.

Plans for reintegrating these jihadis include giving the returnees free housing and other government assistance. A far cry from the harsh scrutiny assigned to journalists who just want to interview a critic of Islam.

The ISIS returnees add to another problem that is far more serious than cheeky “Allah is Queer” pamphlets. The U.K. is estimated to have 23,000 Islamic extremists living in the country, a number that certainly doesn’t need the addition of hardened ISIS militants.

2017 was full of terror for the island nation. There were multiple car attacks and a suicide bomb targeting young girls leaving a Ariana Grande concert. Instead of looking at ways to restrict possible extremists from entering the country, British officials vowed to go after internet speech as their top priority. (RELATED: Theresa May’s Answer To Terror: Restrict The Internet)

Translation: they were going to put extra effort into suppressing right-wing dissidents instead of reforming their immigration policies.

Plenty of people already go to jail over online political speech in U.K. In 2016, at least 3,395 people were arrested for comments made on the internet, and more are likely to be jailed in the future.

This absurd system can only be justified by valuing multiculturalism over the freedoms of your own citizens. Unfortunately, that seems to be the priorities of Britain’s elite.

Officials will continue to arrest and deport conservative journalists while rolling out the welcome mat for “naive” jihadis. Britain must stay committed to diversity, even if it means deporting journalists and cracking down on the basic rights of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #194

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, March 12, 2018

Emails from my Unicorn… it’s Intellectual Froglegs

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

That Wasn't A Request Pendejo..

Let Them Eat Tide Pods...

The Brokeback Mountain Love Affair Of Communism And Mass Starvation...

This is why Communism ALWAYS leads to Mass Starvation:

If you do not reward productivity, talent and hard work,
You won't get any productivity, talent or hard work.

The Evil That Pushes Corrupt Leftist Agenda On The Backs Of Children...


The Fascist Roots of the American Left

67 NRA Approved Republicans Voted For Gun Control US 67 NRA Approved Republicans Voted For Gun Control

67 NRA approved Republican Florida state politicians just voted for gun control, basically blaming law abiding citizens for the deadly shooting in Parkland Florida last month.

Florida enacted its first gun control measures in more than two decades on Friday when Gov. Rick Scott (R) signed the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act ― in open defiance of the National Rifle Association.

As the Trace reported, 67 members of the Florida House and Senate with “A” or “A-plus” ratings from the gun rights group voted for the bill.

If you count Scott, who earned an A-plus rating himself, that makes 68 NRA-approved politicians who chose to break with the group.

The NRA had come out strongly against the new regulations, which include raising the minimum age for all firearms purchases to 21, creating a three-day waiting period and banning the sale of bump stocks.

Marion Hammer, the NRA’s powerful Florida lobbyist and former president, called on gun rights supporters to flood Florida House Republicans’ inboxes with messages telling them to vote no after the state Senate passed the bill.

“YOU and every other law-abiding gun owner is being blamed for an atrocious act of premeditated murder,” she wrote.

After this latest mass shooting Republican politicians around the country seem almost eager to curtail the Second amendment rights of honest citizens.

Shortly we will have an opportunity to vote in primaries to choose our parties candidate for public office.

Any Republican that votes for gun control should be immediately voted out of office and replaced with a candidate that...

Refugees Or Invaders?


BURLINGTON, NC (WRAL) – A man has been arrested after his car ended up on the roof of another person’s home Sunday.

Officers with the Burlington Police Department responded to a home on the 300 block of Hall Avenue around 9 p.m. to find a car on top of the roof.

Police arrested and charged the driver, Rene Alexander Quiteno-Duran, 25, with felony hit and run, driving while impaired, resist delay obstruct, injury to real property and no operator’s license.Police found Quiteno-Duran, who had minor injuries from the crash, hiding in his basement.

There was no one inside the home when it was hit, but officials said the damage is estimated at $10,000.

Police said the suspect originally told them his name was Fernando Andres Ponce. When fingerprints confirmed his real name, officials learned that he had two additional orders for arrest warrants under...

Mary Matalin Says What We All Know, Trump Is A Great President....

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Political consultant Mary Matalin praised President Trump as “a great overall president,” calling his job performance “stunning” and adding that she can “die happy now.”

In 2016, Matalin left the Republican Party and registered as a Libertarian but the pundit told PJM she “can’t leave the party because it’s Hotel California.”

“I always thought, as Reagan did, that libertarianism was central to conservatism. I have the same philosophy and I support the same policies. I just thought, at the time, it had nothing to do with Trump, whom I think is doing a great job. It’s just that I didn't see those principles and policies being reflected in the majorities that we kept electing,” Matalin told PJM in an exclusive interview at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.

“So I don't know why it made any difference to anybody, but I want to re-express to myself, to my kids and my community, to remind them of what Reagan said about the balance between liberty, that tension and that part of preserving our freedom has to do with conservative policies. I think libertarianism precedes conservatism or it's certainly iatrical to it. So I didn't think it was that big of a deal; I didn’t leave the party and I can’t leave the party because it’s Hotel California,” she added, referring to the Eagles song in which you can check out but never leave.

Matalin, a veteran Republican strategist, said she’s specifically pleased with Trump’s “fabulous” leadership on tax reform and his can-do attitude toward public policy.

“I think he's stunning; he's a paradigmatic shift because, for him, I think, it's an isolated paradigm shift. I don't think anybody else can do it because everybody else who thinks they know about politics impedes their own forward motion by saying it can't be done. He doesn’t have that gene --everything can be done,” she said.

“Everything is possible, and guess what? He has proved that it is. Do you know how many years, decades, I worked on tax reform? He did it like that, changing people's lives. Do you know how long we all ran against Obamacare? …The less reported is the most significant for the economy … regulatory relief,” she added.

Matalin said Trump’s regulatory relief agenda has given hope back to the business community, young families and....

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #193

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Girls With Guns

Illegal Alien Sentenced To 5 Years For Possession Of Loaded Firearms And Felony Assault On Federal Officer

Orlando, Florida – U.S. District Court Judge Carlos E. Mendoza sentenced Oniel Christopher Russell, a/k/a “O G Russell” (40, Jamaican national), to five years in federal prison for possessing two loaded firearms while being in the United States illegally, and for committing a felony assault on a federal law enforcement officer, causing bodily injury.

According to testimony and evidence presented at trial, Russell last entered the United States on October 29, 2008, as a non-immigrant visitor for pleasure with subsequent authorization to remain within the United States only until January 3, 2009. However, Russell failed to depart the United States, and he remained without any lawful immigration status thereafter. On August 24, 2013, Orange County Sheriff’s deputies pulled Russell over for a traffic violation. They subsequently conducted a lawful search of his vehicle, where they discovered two loaded firearms, one in the glove compartment box, and another under the passenger seat. Russell confessed to possessing the firearm in the glove compartment, but denied knowledge of the other. He was charged by the State Attorney’s Office for carrying a concealed firearm.

In October of 2016, deportation officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were alerted to Russell’s presence in the United States when he placed a call to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and made several threatening verbal statements. After verifying that he was in the United States illegally, on April 25, 2017, they located Russell and attempted to execute an administrative warrant for his arrest, during which he resisted and a federal officer suffered injuries to his shoulder and ankle.

At sentencing, the Court imposed an upward variance of 30 months, citing Russell’s apparent hatred for the United States, and law enforcement, his actions when arrested, and his lack of remorse or acceptance of responsibility. The Court also specifically noted that it also had taken into consideration the exhibits submitted into evidence by the United States, which included still shots and a transcription of the lyrics from Russell’s YouTube video on October 23, 2015, titled “Cop Killer.” In the still shots from the video, Russell could be seen brandishing a firearm, and mimicking...

Communist Pope Francis Forgives HIV Positive Priest Who Raped 30 Children

A HIV positive Catholic priest who admitted to raping 30 girls between the ages of 5 and 10-years-old has been acquitted by The Globalist, Communist Pope Francis.

The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of any wrong-doing and will not face criminal charges, despite the fact he knew he was infected with HIV when he raped the young girls.

The mother of one of the priest’s victims wrote a letter to Pope Francis asking to meet with him in Rome to discuss the case, but was shunned by the Vatican who declared that “the matter is closed”.

Ataulfo admitted to sexually assaulting well over two dozen children, many of whom were indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population. Due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, the priest won’t face any criminal charges for his crimes in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups.

The report which first appeared on the Spanish-language news site Urgente24.com, says the priest was “absolved of any wrongdoing” by the Archdiocese of Mexico and the Vatican. According to Urgente24, only two out of the thirty rape victims have come forward to denounce the acquittal.

According to the Daily Mail, sexual abuse of minors by priests – and the subsequent cover-ups by bishops and other Church officials – have been widespread in many countries, including the United States. The issue was thrust into the national spotlight in 2002 when the Boston Globe revealed the extent to which the local archdiocese shielded abusive priests from being exposed to the public even though it knew they posed a danger to young parishioners.

The Globe exposé, which detailed abuse cases that numbered in the thousands over a span of several decades, inspired other victims to come forward, leading to an avalanche of lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Not only did the floodgates open in the US, but the Catholic Church was also forced to confront cases in other countries, including Mexico.

In 2004, the Vatican re-opened a prior investigation against Marcial Maciel, who was accused of sexually abusing minors as well as fathering six children by three different women. Though the allegations spanned decades and the extent of his crimes was known to church officials....

Boomerang: Intel Committee Now Going After Obama Admin on Fusion GPS

Republicans on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence are seeking information about the Steele dossier from a former Obama administration official who is married to an employee of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the dossier.

The committee, chaired by GOP Rep. Devin Nunes of California, issued questionnaires Friday to around a dozen former President Barack Obama’s administration officials.

The Daily Caller News Foundation is told that one of the letters was sent to Shailagh Murray, a former journalist who served as senior adviser to Obama and as former Vice President Joe Biden’s deputy chief of staff.

Murray’s husband is Neil King, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who worked at the newspaper at the same time as Fusion GPS’s three co-founders, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch and Tom Catan.

Murray also worked at The Journal until 2005. She joined the Obama administration in 2011.

King left The Journal in December 2016 after accepting a buyout offer. Politico reported at the time that he was joining Fusion GPS, which is based in Washington, D.C.

House Intel Republicans are exploring whether there are similarities to Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and his wife, Nellie Ohr, according to Fox News, which first reported that Murray was being sent a letter.

Bruce met with Fusion’s Simpson shortly after the election to discuss the dossier. Nellie worked for Fusion at the time as a researcher on the firm’s investigation on President Donald Trump.

Fox also reports that a questionnaire was sent to Colin Kahl, who served as national security adviser to Biden.

The letters are part of a Nunes-led investigation into the previous administration’s handling of the dossier. Republicans want to know who in the previous administration knew about the salacious document and whether they shared its allegations with reporters and others in government.

The letters also inquire when the officials learned that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded the dossier, which was written by former British spy Christopher Steele.

Nunes and other Republican lawmakers, including Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, have alleged that the FBI and Justice Department abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court process by using the dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The agencies failed to disclose the source of the dossier’s funding and also relied on the document even though...