90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Sean Hannity Ends Jimmy Kimmel's Career

Girls With Guns

Jimmy Kimmel Is A Hypocrite...

Kimmel Tried to Shame Trump Supporters, But They Turned the Tables

A Bad Deal...

For Those Whom The American Flag Offends...


EDGAR, LA (WDSU) – Denis Amaya-Rodriguez was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison for killing three people.

Rodriguez was driving a bus that crashed into a group of firefighters and multiple vehicles the Interstate 10 bridge in LaPlace on Aug. 28, 2016. St. John District Fire Chief Spencer Chauvin, Jermaine Starr and Vontarous Kelly were all killed. Starr and Kelly were passengers in a car that was crushed by the bus. Chauvin died after being thrown over the bridge, along with two other firefighters who were seriously injured.

Amaya-Rodriguez was sentenced Monday to five years in prison on each count of negligent homicide, which is the maximum sentence. In an unusual move, the judge ordered the sentences be served consecutively, sending Rodriguez to prison for 15 years, minus credit for time served. He was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine and court costs.

Judge Sterling Snowdy told Rodriguez he posed too great a risk to the community to be released sooner.

At the sentencing hearing, a video of Chauvin’s two children, ages 8 and 6 was played for the judge, in which they talked about time they spent with their father and his favorite things. Chauvin’s son honored his father’s public service as a firefighter, and said, “The call he died in, he blocked the two other people. They survived, and he is in a better place.”

Chauvin’s widow, Jennifer, brought the courtroom to tears delivering an emotional and detailed statement. She recalled having to tell her son about...

How Barack Obama’s DACA Encouraged Identity Theft by Illegal Aliens

Most undocumented immigrants try to obtain fake or stolen Social Security numbers and the federal gov't punished such crime — but that ended in 2012

As the dilemma of what to do about the illegal alien participants in former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program has dominated the immigration debate for more than a year, a new investigation has revealed the lengths to which the previous chief executive facilitated the program.

They did so, among other things, by ignoring widespread identity theft by illegal aliens and keeping Americans in the dark about being cut off from their Social Security benefits. The findings show how DACA is not the act of benevolence that is portrayed in the media, and has actually caused great harm to American citizens. It simply has to end.

Diving deep into the beginnings of DACA, Jan Ting, a law professor at Temple and former assistant commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), details how the Obama Homeland Security Department (DHS) kept the use of stolen Social Security numbers from being counted against would-be DACA applicants.

As he shows, the promise to forgive the crime, one that is pervasive among illegal aliens, was consciously designed to incentivize DACA-eligible “dreamers” to “come out of the shadows” and apply for the program.

In addition to being a blatant violation of the Constitution and our immigration laws, DACA can now be seen as the product of an administration that refused to enforce the law for political reasons, and at the expense of honest citizens.

Further, Ting reveals how the DHS omission was supplemented by the Social Security Administration (SSA), which halted a program started in the 1970s from communicating to working people when there is a mismatch between the information submitted in employer wage reports and what is in the agency’s database.

The notices, which had formerly been posted to millions of people across the country and appear to be mandatory under SSA regulations, are important because when a submitted name/SSN combination isn’t lining up in SSA’s system, the citizen or legal resident’s number appears illegitimate, which can lead to their Social Security benefits being frozen.

This can happen, for instance, if there’s a...

Trump rips 'slimeball' Comey: He made decisions based on the fact he thought Clinton would win

President Trump on Sunday again tore into James Comey, accusing the former FBI director of making decisions based on the fact that he assumed Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election.

"Unbelievably, James Comey states that Polls, where Crooked Hillary was leading, were a factor in the handling (stupidly) of the Clinton Email probe," Trump tweeted.

"In other words, he was making decisions based on the fact that he thought she was going to win, and he wanted a job. Slimeball!"

The comments come after Comey said during a recent interview his assumption that Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, would win the election was a factor in decisions he made regarding the investigation into her private email server.

Comey said his decision to tell Congress shortly before the election that the FBI was reviewing new emails regarding the email probe was influenced by the fact he assumed Clinton would win.

"It must have been. I don’t remember consciously thinking about that, but it must have been because I was operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump, and so I’m sure that it was a factor,” Comey said during the interview on ABC News.

Trump's attack comes after excerpts of Comey's new book, "A Higher Loyalty," were released last week.

In another tweet on Sunday, Trump said "big questions" are not answered in Comey's "badly reviewed" book:

We Should Adopt Mexico's Immigration Policies...

Rape Trees, Dead Migrants and the Consequences of an Open Border

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #227

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Howie confronts Joe Biden about touching children on CSPAN LIVE at LIU

Girls With Guns

Freedom Is Not Negotiable...

Mandela's Bombs...

ABC's 20/20 Portrays Criminal Winnie Mandela As A Hero And Having A Poignant Love Story With Nelson Mandela

America's Disgusting Wrecking Ball...

Nobody Would Believe This If It Were The Plot Of A Novel..

Kristallnacht for fun and adventure

After the release of the DoJ I.G. report, Andrew McCabe's feelings are genuinely hurt. He never expected his glittering career to end this way. He played the game the way he thought it had to be played, and that took him to the penultimate rung on the FBI ladder. Now at the very end, his career gets snuffed.

It just ain't fair.

McCabe seems to sincerely believe he's done nothing wrong. The lies, the back-stabbings, the double-crosses, the framing innocent men, the using government resources to advantage your favorite, the undercutting of the Constitution, on and on. To most of us, that sort of stuff is cheating. It's breaking the law. It's immoral and unethical.

To Andrew McCabe, it's "doing my job."

McCabe suffers from the same delusional reality syndrome that afflicts lefties generally. He and Comey and others – apparently a lot of others, with most of them in the Department of Justice and the FBI – really do think their watery Marxism is morally superior to the system of individual rights and the procedural guarantees that have developed over the centuries to protect those rights.

Actually, it isn't Marxism, but Leninism. Marx's idea was that the proles would all get fed up at the same time, and, like spontaneous combustion, revolution would erupt and sweep across the country. That kind of action wasn't fast enough for the impatient Lenin, so he came up with the notion of the vanguard of the revolution, meaning a leadership cadre that ran things. Elites. A group to whom the rules and laws didn't apply – only party discipline. These guys did largely as they pleased.

When you think about it, that's exactly what Nazism was. Theoretically, all this is perfectly clear. You know in advance there will be resistance, so you use the powers of government to undermine that resistance. You draw its adherents into the streets and beat the living tar out of them, to intimidate the rest. Their guys go to jail; your guys patch up their wounds and move on to the next riot street fight, blaming it on the other side. Kristallnacht for fun and adventure.

We're reliving the 20th century almost in lockstep. Just over a hundred years ago, the Bolsheviks threw their noose around the Russian neck. It took a bloody civil war to subdue the resistance and then another decade or so to get the vanguard in line. The Nazis learned from the Bolsheviks and did as much in advance, under the cover of law, as they could. Their people, like Andrew McCabe and James Comey and Barack Obama and George Soros, just knew they had the moral high ground, being so smart and all.

Besides, it's just so much fun being an elite, getting away with...

I didn’t tell Trump that Hillary paid for the dossier because it “wasn’t necessary for my goal”

So, according to the left, President Trump was obsessed with the infamous video that the Russians supposedly had, he was demanding Comey investigate “the dossier,” and Comey was allegedly complying. You would think, then, that Comey might have mentioned who paid for the Steele Dossier. I mean, if I’m demanding answers from one of my subordinates, and he has information related to the request, wouldn’t I assume he’d tell me?

However, once Trump won, being forthcoming with pertinent info was no longer “necessary for his goal?”

Apparently not.

According to James Comey’s upcoming interview with “totally unbiased” newsman George Stephanopoulos, Comey didn’t bother telling Trump that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The reason? As Comey puts it, doing so “wasn’t necessary for my goal.”

In other words, Comey didn’t want presumed President Hillary Clinton to enter office under a cloud of controversy. So, he looked at the polls, assumed she couldn’t lose, and released his letter. We discussed that earlier. However, once Trump won, being forthcoming with pertinent info was no longer “necessary for his goal?”

That, of course, begs the question: Just what was his goal? He claims it was to alert him that...

Corrupt Politicians And Deep State Operatives Fear Gun Ownership...

RNC Launces Website For Lying James Comey: https://lyincomey.com/

Disgraced former FBI Director, Lyin' James Comey Now Has His Own Website To Detail All Of His Lies And Failures: https://lyincomey.com/

But does James Comey really deserve this? Well, when you are an active participant in trying to shape and steal a national election, which is treason, of course he does. This corrupt deep state actor should be put on trial, convicted and then be summarily subjected to a firing squad. 

James Comey is a criminal, a traitor, and a deep state operative. He has disgraced the FBI, and he is just the tip of the spear for the crimes of the FBI, The Justice Department, Hillary Clinton, The DNC, and the entire corrupt Obama Administration. 

It is time to clean house.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #226

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, April 13, 2018

Girls With Guns

Proof Tools Do Not Animate And Kill People...

Laws Control The Lesser Man, Right Conduct Controls The Greater One, And Neither Control Politicians...

- Mark Twain

 More Twain:

Mark Twain On The Simpleton Media...

Mark Twain On Being The Tea Party...

Mark Twain Wisdom

I Was Just Driving Along, Minding My Own Damn Business...

More Animated Gifs:

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

When You Hear Hollywood Leftists Complaining About Trump...

What Does Hollywood Represent?

Remember That Time When Facebook COO Gave Hillary Facebook Data To Beat Trump?

Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge

Britain’s Knife Control Is A Bad, Real-Life Parody Of Gun Control

If you set out to write a parody showing the folly of gun control, it might look something like this.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced a crackdown on knives Sunday in response to the rising levels of violence in London, which recently surpassed New York City’s homicide rate for the first time.

‘No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife,’ Khan tweeted. ‘Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law.’…

Guns are strictly regulated in the United Kingdom and the rising homicide rate in London is directly attributable to a rise in knife-related crimes, with stabbings claiming at least 31 lives to date in 2018. By contrast, New York—which has a population roughly the same size as London—has seen a steady decline in violent crime.

There were 15 murders committed in London in February and another 22 in March, while New York saw 14 murders in February and 21 in March, according to murder rate statistics provided…by London’s Metropolitan Police and the New York Police Department.

But this is not a parody. It’s a real news report, which goes on to describe Britain’s existing knife control laws.
In Britain, it is currently illegal to carry a knife longer than three inches in public ‘without good reason’ and illegally carrying a knife can be punished with up to four years in prison and an ‘unlimited fine.’ Self-defense is not listed among the examples of ‘good reasons to carry a knife.’

If we outlaw knives, only outlaws will have knives—which might explain commonplace news reports like this one, which sounds like a weekend crime report from Chicago but with “stabbing” substituted for “shooting.”

Let’s not look at this as a parody, but as a kind of scientific experiment. On the one side, we have a nation in which the availability of guns has been increasing while violent crime has been going down, consistently, year over year, not just in one big city but across the country. On the other side, we have a nation that is famous for its strict gun control and confiscation of firearms, yet we see violent crime increasing. Clearly, the availability of guns is not the primary driver of crime. But we should have known that already.

I don’t know enough to say exactly what is causing Britain’s crime wave. The reports say that “much of the violence is tied to gangs,” which just kicks the question back a step: why are there more gangs and why are they more violent? But we do know enough to say what is not causing it. It is not some material factor—not poverty, because Britain is a wealthy country, and not guns, because they have taken virtually all of them away.

To look at the actual causes of crime, you would have to look at human causes, at changes in the culture and in public policy. To borrow another pro-gun cliché that turns out to be true: guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Take away their guns and they will do it with knives.

But what happens when people resolutely refuse to learn from this experiment? They will continue to follow their examined assumptions to the point of absurdity—and beyond. As we should all know by now...

When You Are Frustrated You Cannot Find Dirt On An Innocent Man...

You Decide To Destroy The Fabric Of Our Justice System...

ACLU Celebrates Raid on Trump’s Lawyer: ‘The Rule of Law is Alive’