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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

$130,000 Reward...

Seth Rich Murder Update: The Curious Case of Former CEO of the DNC Amy Dacey

King George, Delete Your Account.

It's As If They Want To Have Causalities...

Commies Always Want To Ban Guns And Then....

The New York Times Has A New Logo...

NYT Cheers Rise Of Orwellian Censorship Algorithms

Two New York Times Reporters Posted Darren Wilson’s Home Address. Look Here To See THEIR Home Addresses.

Antifa officially declared a terrorist group by State Homeland Security office

The radical far-left group Antifa has been using threats and violence to suppress conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, and capitalists for months, and finally, a state has officially labeled them a terrorist group.

On June 12, New Jersey became the first state in the country to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization with the state office of Homeland Security and Prepardness.

“Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices,” the website details.

“Violent confrontations between Antifa members and white supremacists—as well as militia groups—will likely continue because of ideological differences and Antifa’s ability to organize on social media. In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations.”

Among the incidents that led the state to declare Antifa a terrorist organization include the riot at Berkeley against Milo Yiannopoulos, a violent disruption against a pro-Trump rally in Philadelphia back in March, and a violent attack against white supremacists on June 2016.

Antifa has staged several...

Happy Independence Day! Let's Make America Great Again!

Happy Independence Day!!