90 Miles From Tyranny : How Can You Have Any Pudding If You Can't Eat Any Meat?

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Can You Have Any Pudding If You Can't Eat Any Meat?

Meat Shortages Coming. Prepare, Prep, Stockpile.


DOB said...

If I have learned nothing else the past 4 years, it is to be skeptical of news stories and photos that cannot be verified. So, I look at the pile of pigs shown and ask, where, when, and by whom was the photo taken and can its authenticity be verified? Will there be shortages? Yes. Is the bulk of the information presented likely true? Probably. Is the photo real and from less than 10 days ago? Don't know. Trust but verify - Ronald Reagan.

Smoker78 said...

Agree. Can’t verify the photo but last year A pig disease was ripping through China, of all places, causing the nation to lose and/or kill hundreds of millions of pigs. This could be a pic from there.