90 Miles From Tyranny : Federal law enforcement stops and seizes truck loaded with supplies for Kenosha communist rioters...

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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Federal law enforcement stops and seizes truck loaded with supplies for Kenosha communist rioters...

KENOSHA, WI – The feds have had enough. Now they’re starting to make busts of those supplying the rioters in Wisconsin.

Almost a week ago, Jacob Blake, a man wanted in connection to a rape, was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Blake, admitted that he was armed with a knife to investigators after the shooting, yet protests and riots commenced that left the city looking like a war zone.

For some reason, a church, the Zao MKE church, thought it was a great idea to supply the rioters food and snacks. But the truck they used to deliver it was just seized by federal authorities.

In Kenosha, riots, looting, and arson had become an every night occurrence and many historical buildings were lost in acts of arson.

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Business owners were beaten because they dared to defend their property, and yet, ignorant people still believe and maintain that Black Lives Matter and other people in that area are ‘peacefully protesting.’

President Donald Trump recently deployed federal forces to the area in order to restore calm. As a result, the nightly riots have seem to have ended, but there are still many who would do violence if given the opportunity.

The Reverend Jonah Overton, of the Zao MKE Church, for whatever reason, thought it was a great idea to provide those in the crowd supplies to keep going.

And, shockingly enough, they cannot understand why federal authorities seized the shipment and arrested the occupants of the U-Haul truck.

Think of it this way, if Joe Blow Dirtbag is getting ready to give up his decimation campaign of said city, but, with new supplies begins again, is it a good idea to give he and his companions a...

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exile1981 said...

I looked up the church they a radical justice church that supports blm.


swamprabbit said...

Maybe they were arrested for aiding the protesters so that they can do more damage

Obama's boyfriend said...

Use Rico laws to bankrupt the church, its officers, and all supporting and funding BLM. Charge all the BLM/antifa rioters to the max and in their sentences include that judges may not alter sentences nor can they be pardoned n subsequent years to prevent rogue judges and Obama type presidents from releasing these animals.

ruralcounsel said...

Aid and comfort to domestic terrorists.