90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Pssst, Hey You, Look What I Got....

More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Leftists...

Women Should Take Care Of The Household...

#Gun Rights

Optical Illusion...

More Illusion:

Find The Black Dot...

Optical Illusions..

I Think I Have A Crush On Tiffany Trump, What Should I Do?

So here is my dilemma:

I am old enough to be her father,
I am not rich,
I am not handsome,
I am not charming until I know you very well,
I am socially awkward,
What are my chances of dating her?

There I was tooling around the internet, minding my own damn business
when I happened on her Instagram Account, so I thought: cool, I will take a look...

I found out a few things about her: 
She is the daughter of Marla Maples, who still looks hot by the way:

Ok, so I am not completely delusional, but check out Tiffany's Instagram page, she looks like she has a lot of fun, and tell that JERK she is dating to get lost!

Caught On Tape: California High School Girl BEATEN For Supporting Trump

Do You Know This Scumbag?

State Department Spy Traded in US Secrets to Chinese for Money, iPhones, Expensive Gifts

Candace Marie Claiborne, 60 years, an employee of the Office of Caucasus Affairs in the State Department, traded information – sold her soul – to the Chinese for money, iPhones, vacations and other gifts.

An employee of the State Department since 1999, she and a relative, named as a co-conspirator, traded in U.S. secrets for at least five years. She even kept a journal of her misdeeds.

This employee with Top Secret clearance is charged with “Obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to the FBI.” Perhaps she will be charged with treason but she hasn’t been yet even though she labeled herself and a relative as spies. These charges alone, however, can put her away for up to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Murmuration

Ok, this is a very short film so there is no excuse not to watch it.  Watch the murmuration, how can you have any pudding if you don't watch the murmuration?

I'm serious, this is absolutely magical, don't miss it.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

No American City Should Be A Sanctuary City For Illegal Aliens..

How Will The Left's Love Affair With Islam End?

They Will Be Among The First To Be Persecuted.
And By Persecuted I Mean Thrown Off Buildings, Stoned, Hanged, And Have Their Head Semi Swiftly Separated From Their Body...

The Media Is Simply Leftist Propaganda Designed To Brainwash The Weak Minded...

Did You ASSUME She Was A Terrorist?

How Could You Possibly Assume Her Identity? Did She Tell You She Identifies As A Terrorist? 

Is That True Or Did You Hear It On CNN?

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

minds.com is The New Facebook

Tired of leftist Facebook?

Want to try something new?

minds.com is in beta and things are changing, shifting, getting rearranged, it is the new world.

Do you still have that pioneering spirit that settled America?

Try it: https://www.minds.com/MikeMiles

Subscribe to my channel while you are at it....

The Shifting Narrative From The Dishonest Media...

Bombshell report: Fox News says Congress knows ID of ‘senior’ intel source unmasking US citizens to embarrass Trump

A game of politics is being played by high-level intelligence sources out to embarrass President Donald Trump and his administration.

…and Congressional investigators have the name of at least one of the sources.

That’s according to Fox News senior 
correspondent Adam Housley, who is reporting that the unmasking of private U.S. citizens began before Trump was the GOP nominee and was done for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security.

“The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens, but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security or an investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election,” a congressional source close to the investigation told Fox News.

Housley said his sources have grown “frustrated with...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

When You Are Inches From Disaster...

Friday, March 31, 2017

Girls With Guns

Paul Krugman And The Height Of Keynesian Angst...

More Keynesian Fun:

Austrian Economist Stops Keynesian Economist...

Hope They Bought Her New Underwear...

More Great Gifs!


Strippus Interruptus..

Bet She Broke A Rib...

More Hollywood Hypocrisy

Let all refugees into Oscars unvetted or you are all bigots! Actor challenges fellow celebs in open letter

Mount Rushmore Wants To Make America Great Again!

Dangerous Documents Are Hidden In Mount Rushmore...

If You See Me With John Podesta, Call The Police...

Here Is The Key To Reading Clinton Staffer Emails - Pedophile Coded Message Translater

'Refugee' Accused Of Murdering German Teen To Be Tried As A Juvenile, Experts Say He's 22

An Afghan migrant charged with the rape and murder of 19-year-old medical student will be tried as a juvenile in Germany, even though he lied about his age and experts believe he's at least 22-years-old.

From RT:
German prosecutors have charged an Afghan migrant with the murder and rape of a 19-year-old medical student in Freiburg. The suspect already served a prison term for a similar offense in Greece but was released early.

Officials in the southwestern German city of Freiburg, home of one of Germany's elite universities where the incident had taken place, announced the charges on Thursday.
The prosecution team accused the suspect known as Hussein K. of having "attacked, strangled and raped" Maria Ladenburger, a 19-year-old medical student who disappeared while on her way home from a party on October 16, 2016.
The prosecutors claim he then dumped her in the nearby Dreisam River. Her body was found...

Pythons beware — Florida’s new hunters are on the prowl

Oscar Gomez has been many things: a firefighter, a paramedic, a husband, a dad, even a “Swamp Ape.” But this week, he joined the history books.

Gomez, 37, became one of Florida’s first-ever government-paid python hunters.

Over the next two months, the team of 25 hunters will track pythons as part of a $175,000 pilot project organized by the South Florida Water Management District to test the theory that well-managed, skilled hunters may make a dent in what has so far been a runaway population of invasive snakes. Gomez, a Kendall resident who also volunteers for the Swamp Ape team tracking pythons for the National Park Service in Everglades National Park and has a day job trapping...

Facts About Islamic Intolerance...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Late Night Mad Science Entertainment...

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Worst Threats To Mankind...

Egalitarianism Is Tyranny...

More Wrath: 

You Came To The Wrong Colony...

Should We Sacrifice Our Civilization For Strangers?

Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...


Illegal Immigrant Indicted on Voter Fraud Charges

A federal grand jury indicted an undocumented immigrant living in St. Louis, Mo., on charges that he committed voter and tax fraud as part of an elaborate stolen identity theft scheme, the Department of Justice announced Wednesday.

Kevin Kunlay Williams, a Nigerian citizen, is suspected of illegally reentering the United States under a false name in 1999 after he was deported four years earlier.

Williams later registered to vote in federal, state, and local elections in 2012 by claiming he was an American citizen. He is suspected to have voted in both the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections, according to the indictment.

Federal authorities also suspect that Williams stole the identities of several public school employees from a payroll company, subsequently using the IDs to file more than 2,000 fraudulent federal tax returns that sought more than $12 million. The Nigerian man also allegedly stole Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFINs) to print refund checks, directing the IRS to send the refunds to ...

Types Of humans And Their Associated Skull Structures:

Side Walk Pineapple

Prepping: How To Make A Solar Water Filter


How BIG A Backyard Do You Need To Live Off Of The Land?

Democrats Can Be So Colorful!

The Fabian Window