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Thursday, July 13, 2017

..And At Very Fake News CNN...

What Is Best In Life...

Revisiting The Immigrant Song 30 Some Years Later...

Merkel, Look What You Have Done To Europe...Resign...

The Merkel Debacle...

BOOM! Pro-Russia Hacker Site “Cyber Berkut” Publishes Criminal Links Between Ukraine and Clinton

Cyber Berkut published this damning news today.
Hillary Clinton campaign and the Ukrainian government!
According to Cyber Berkut the Ukrainian foundation transferred 10 to 25 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
Ukraine sponsored the Clinton Foundation using IMF loans!

The Ukrainian investigation case connected to commercial banks that laundered IMF’s money from the National Bank of Ukraine is still going on. According to the investigation, such banks as Tavrika, Pivdenkom Bank, Avtokraz Bank, CityCommerce Bank, Finrost Bank, Terra Bank, Kyivska Rus Bank, Vernum Bank, Credit Dnepr Bank, Delta Bank were involved in the criminal scheme. Funds were transferred through Austrian Meinl Bank AG.

We, CyberBerkut, decided to contribute to the investigation.

Having examined the materials published on the Internet we focused on two financial organizations named...

Childhood Was Thinking That Vlad The Impaler Was The Villain...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Discovers Marshmallows..

Tens of thousands of Chinese spies have been secretly operating in the US for 50 years and are now ‘ready to DESTROY’ the country, billionaire claims

TENS of thousands of Chinese spies have been secretly operating in the US for 50 years and are now “ready to destroy” the country, a billionaire has claimed.

Guo Wengui, who is in self-imposed exile in the US after reportedly falling out with the Chinese government – made the astonishing claims in a recent interview.

Guo – who fled his home country two years ago after what he said was a business dispute with relatives of a retired top Communist Party official – reportedly said he “knows the Chinese spy system very, very well”.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, he said: “Before 2012, cumulatively China had around 10,000 to 20,000 agents working in the United States.

“These agents had been sent to work in the US over a 50-year period of time, and they were working in a defensive mode.”

But that year, China decided to send another 5,000 agents to their rival country, Guo said – after a huge injection of cash from the government to fund espionage.

The businessman also claimed the agents had been switched to “offensive” operations at around that time.

He said: “By offensive [operations], I mean to be ready to destroy the US in...

DNC could face investigation into Ukraine ties if Christopher Wray is confirmed

If President Trump's nominee for FBI director is confirmed by the Senate, the Democratic National Committee could face an investigation into its interactions with the Ukrainian government.

During his confirmation hearing on Wednesday, Christopher Wray signaled a willingness to investigate allegations that the DNC worked with the Ukrainian government to impede Trump's presidential campaign in 2016.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., read an excerpt from Politico's January investigation into the matter during his allotted time to question Wray. "Donald Trump wasn't the only presidential candidate whose campaign was boosted by officials of a former Soviet bloc country," Graham quoted from the report.

Politico's investigation asserted that Ukrainian government officials "helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers."

The report, published before Trump's inauguration earlier this year, also cited ...

Morning Mistress

Squatting Slav TV: Antifa's Top 10 Felons

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

If People Knew THIS About CNN's Network - it May Implode Soon!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Girls With Guns

This Guy Should Just Go Ahead And Delete His Account...

Blame Canada - Or Give Them The Batshit Crazy Award...

Justin Trudeau Vs. The Fire...

President Discusses His Usage Of Social Media...

You’re Fired: Trump’s VA Terminates 548, Suspends 200 for Misconduct

Five hundred and forty-eight Department of Veterans Affairs employees have been terminated since President Donald Trump took office, indicating that his campaign pledge to clean up “probably the most incompetently run agency in the United States” by relentlessly putting his TV catchphrase “you’re fired” into action was more than just empty rhetoric.

Another 200 VA workers were suspended and 33 demoted, according to newly published data by the department as part of VA Secretary David Shulkin’s commitment to greater transparency. Those disciplined include 22 senior leaders, more than 70 nurses, 14 police officers, and 25 physicians.

Also disciplined were a program analyst dealing with the Government Accountability Office, which audits the department, a public affairs specialist, a...

What's The Difference Between Venezuela And A Pizza...

... A Pizza Can Feed The Whole Family....

Socialist Venezuela Collapses Into Starvation & Bloodshed – Media Ignores

Medicine For The Mentally Ill CNN


Slate Explains Why White Males are 'Punchable'

Ann Althouse makes a very good point about an incredibly rude Slate article by writer Heather Schwedel. "Slate must think the word 'male' in this headline makes it not just okay but hilarious," Althouse wrote. The article in question has a headline that asks, "What Makes a Face 'Punchable?'" It begins:

There’s a certain class of public figure whose face routinely gets described as “punchable.” He’s usually male; though arguably society shouldn’t be encouraging the punching of anyone (with possible exception for Nazis), good etiquette would seem to indicate that women are considered the less punchable sex. The guy with the punchable face is usually white; it’s hard out there for white men lately, in case you hadn’t heard. He’s usually young, too: What’s more annoying than the know-it-all grin of impetuous youth? In addition to the privilege that being young, white, and male already affords him, he of high punchability often has a look that somehow scans as extra-privileged, a mouth seemingly born with a silver spoon in it.

I love it that Schwedel brings "good etiquette" into the conversation from the get-go. What article about knee-jerk animosity would be complete without at least a nod to what Miss Manners might think? Who's on Schwedel's hit list? "Martin Shkreli, Scott Disick, Ryan Lochte, Miles Teller, Justin Bieber, Eric Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.." She then goes on to point out that the adorable star of Baby Driver, Ansel Elgort, is the most recent addition. Why? Among other reasons, he's....

Then And Now...

Trump Supporter Video - EP 4 "The Last Hope for America"

‘Defend Europe’ Militia Sets Sail In The Mediterranean To Chase Migrants

A citizen militia called “Defend Europe” is about to set sail in the Mediterranean to track down migrants and return them to Libya.

The group announced Tuesday that it has raised the 76,000 euros ($87,000) needed to rent a vessel. The anti-immigration initiative includes people from several countries who aim “to expose the true face of so-called humanitarian organizations, their collaboration with smuggling mafias and the deadly consequences of their actions at sea,” according to organizer Clement Galant.

Defend Europe says it has no intention of hurting the migrants and will keep them safe while they wait for the Libyan coastguard to take them back.

“When boats full of illegal migrants cross, our mission is to call the Libyan coastguard so that they can come and rescue them,” Galant said in a videoposted on social media. “We will keep them safe in the meantime.”

More than 101,417 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean sea during 2017, with almost 85 percent arriving in...

Democrats intentionally used disinformation from Russia to attack Trump, campaign aides

Paid Liar, Christopher Steele.
While the liberal news media hunts for evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, the public record shows that Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump and attack his administration.

The disinformation came in the form of a Russian-fed dossier written by former British intelligenceagent Christopher Steele. It contains a series of unverified criminal charges against Mr. Trump’s campaign aides, such as coordinating Moscow’s hacking of Democratic Party computers.

Some Democrats have widely circulated the discredited information. Mr. Steele was paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS distributed the dossier among Democrats and journalists. The information fell into the hands of the FBI, which used it in part to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign aides.

Mr. Steele makes clear that his unproven charges came almost exclusively from sources linked to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He identified his sources as “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” a former “top level Russian intelligence officer active inside the Kremlin,” a “senior Kremlin official” and a “senior Russian government official.”

The same Democrats who have condemned Russia’s election interference via plying fake news and hacking email servers have quoted freely from the Steele anti-Trump memos derived from creatures of ...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Worst CNN Scandal You May Not Know About Yet

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Girls With Guns

Maxine Waters: Taking Stupid As A Challenge...

Maxine Waters’ Latest Scandal to the Tune of Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

You Mean To Tell Me....

If The U.S. Is Such An Oppressive Country...

CAUTION: Graphic Depiction Of ACTUAL Retards...

The Consequences Of Socialism...

Redistribution And The Game Of Monopoly

CNN Reporter Posted Office Photo On Social Media...

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

This Week Is Palindrome Week: Every Date Written Backwards Is The Same As It Is Written Forwards...

Amazing Facts: Campfire Wood?

Evidence of efforts to sabotage Trump

We can be almost totally assured, after months of almost daily leaks to the press by anonymous executive branch sources, that Democrats would be leaking evidence of Trump malfeasance from the Special Counsel investigation by now if they had something. Yet we have heard nothing.

Yes, that Special Counsel. The one set up as a result of James Comey illegally leaking his infamous memos (we know there are at least 4 at this point) and packed with attorneys that represented and donated to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.

And if the Washington Post had given the Democrats and Obama when he was President the same scrutiny used to report on Watergate, we would all be aware that something much bigger than a “third-rate burglary” had gone on in the process of trying to assure the victory of their party’s candidate in the November 8 presidential election.

Meanwhile, more evidence of Democrats’ efforts to discredit Trump was brought to light by Sean Hannity on his “Hannity” TV show Monday night, July 10.

An article at Politico January 11 titled “Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire” gave detailed information from named sources of actual collusion of Democrats with Ukrainians to try and discredit the Trump campaign.

The article focused on the efforts of Alexandra Chalupa, a Democrat operative “who had worked in...


TOLEDO, OH (Fox News) – An Indian citizen who studied at Ohio State University has pleaded guilty to supporting terrorism and trying to arrange the killing of a federal judge who had been overseeing his case.

Yahya Farooq Mohammad is one of four men with Ohio ties accused in 2015 of working to send money to a known al-Qaida leader. The others are awaiting trial.

Mohammad pleaded guilty Monday to providing support to terrorists and solicitation to commit a violent crime.

Prosecutors say Mohammad told another inmate in Toledo last year he wanted to have the federal judge killed.

Mohammad’s attorney says the government didn’t have a...

Morning Mistress - Beach Biking...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

CNN App Downgraded to ONE STAR in Apple App Store - From Hilarious Negative Reviews 😂😂😂

Monday, July 10, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: (Snap-On) Tool Time
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Actual (FALSE) Climate Change Pronouncements...

My view on climate change.

Huxley On The Propagandists Purpose...

More Huxley:

Aldous Huxley On The Lessons Of History..

Aldous Huxley On The Current State Of Facts...

Minnesota: ISIS Breeding Ground...

Former Classmate: Keith Ellison Would Rant About Jewish Slavers, Called Jews ‘Oppressors’

CNN As The Bully...

Very Fake News: After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece Attacking Trump, Associates Over Russian Fund

Researchers Have 'Invalidated' EPA's Core Global Warming 'Finding'

A peer-reviewed research report published last week by three highly qualified researchers with the agreement of seven others similarly accomplished charges that the entities reporting historical and current worldwide temperatures have adjusted their data to show global warming which has not actually occurred.

The trio has concluded that this data is "not a valid representation of reality," and that as a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 "Endangerment Finding" — essentially that global warming has been occurring and continues to accelerate due to human activity — is, in the study's words, "invalidated." The establishment media's silence has been deafening.

The media non-coverage of the research report — "On the Validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature Data & The Validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding" — is consistent with its virtual refusal to acknowledge the existence of many other studies released in 2016 and so far this year which have cast serious doubt on human-caused global warming as supposedly "settled science."

At Breitbart in early June, UK-based writer and longtime climate change skeptic James Delingpole referred readers to a collection of "80 Graphs From 58 Papers Invalidate Claims Of Unprecedented Global-Scale Modern Warming" published this year alone. The person who accumulated that collection, Kenneth Richards, is a "professor of environmental economics and policy and an affiliated professor of law at the IU Maurer School of Law."

Richards' recent post arrived just five months after a December post documenting "60 (2016) Scientific Papers Affirm Today’s Warming Isn’t Global, Unprecedented, Or Remarkable." The pace of climate change-skeptical studies is increasing.

Readers relying solely on the establishment press would be aware of none of this. How many papers by qualified authors need to be published before the "97 percent" consensus on human-caused warming disintegrates? (Answer: It already did years ago, but the press won't admit it.)

Late Wednesday, the Daily Caller finally broke the ice, and...

Sweden, Stop It!!

Swedish Woman Tells The Shocking Truth About What Is Happening In Sweden...

More than half of Comey’s Trump memos contain classified info, officials say

When you set out on a journey of petty revenge, you should start by digging two graves: Your enemy’s and your own.

Disgruntled fired FBI Director James Comeyshould’ve heeded this warning before leaking classified intelligence to the left-wing media in a bid to take down President Donald Trump. All it did was reveal Comey to be a vindictive traitor who should never have been trusted with national security secrets.

In June, Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he had a friend leak his personal memos to the New York Times shortly after being fired by Trump in May. At the time, Comey testified that he leaked the documents to defend his reputation after Trump dissed him on Twitter.

Comey also claimed that the memos he wrote as FBI director detailing his top-secret conversations with the president of the United States did not contain any classified information and were his personal property. Say what?

Officials who have seen the Comey memos say that is patently false, and that more than half the memos contained top-secret, classified information.

Four of the seven memos Comey wrote chronicling his conversations with President Trump contained classified intel, officials told the Hill. The documents were clearly marked by the FBI as containing information classified as both “confidential” and...

This Graphic Proves CNN Is A Cancer Attempting To Destroy America

Why intentionally stoke racial animous?
This is textbook communist tactics.

CNN - Jim Acosta makes a complete ass out of himself in Poland

Morning Mistress

Top 5 Stolen Valor Fights (Part 1)