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Friday, January 17, 2020

Media Aims To ‘Eradicate The Scourge’ Of Trump Supporters

Girls With Guns

When Democrat Senators Were Patriots...

Tearing America Down Vs. Building Her Back Up Again...

The Bernie Sanders Effect...

When Cows Attack Motor-scooters....

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Kim Kardashians BIG Christmas Special...

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WAKE COUNTY, NC (The New York Post) – A Spanish-speaking creep in North Carolina used the Google Translate app on his cellphone to tell a 15-year-old girl he just raped that she was pretty, according to reports.

Victor Emandes-Ramirez, 33, is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting the teen as she walked to a bus stop early Thursday in Wake County, the News & Observer reported.

After grabbing the girl, Emandes-Ramirez, of Zebulon, allegedly forced the victim into his car before taking her to shed behind a mobile home, where he forced her to perform sex acts, according to a search warrant application.

Emandes-Ramirez, who doesn’t speak English, then drove the teen back to school – and used Google Translate to tell her that she was attractive and ask that she not tell...

CNN Vs. A Dogs Nose...

CNN Is The Most Consistent News Network In The Nation...

CNN 1/1024% Truth!

EWWW!!! I Stepped In Shit!

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

California Now Pushing Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrant Seniors

California is at it again with a proposal to extend free health care to illegal immigrant senior citizens.

Last July, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law that would extend Medicaid coverage to low-income illegal immigrants 25 years old and younger.

President Donald Trump, who made the border wall and stopping illegal immigration a central plank of his 2016 presidential campaign, took a jab at this policy.

“If you look at what they’re doing in California, how they’re treating people, they don’t treat their people as well as they treat illegal immigrants,” Trump said in a speech at the time. “So at what point does it stop? It’s crazy what they’re doing. It’s crazy. And it’s mean, and it’s very unfair to our citizens.”

Trump is right. California has waged a war on the concept of citizenship by essentially sidestepping the will of the American people and intentionally undermining immigration laws.

Worse, by extending social welfare to those illegal immigrants, the state is signaling that the concept of citizenship itself is meaningless.

It’s clear that California’s craziness doesn’t stop, as Newsom and the state’s Democrats have doubled down to extend free health care coverage to even greater numbers of illegal immigrants.

Newsom’s latest proposed budget now aims to extend free health care coverage to illegal immigrants 65 years old and older as a part of...

The Feel Good Book Of The Year!

Human Rights Watch: China Is “Existential Threat” To Global Freedom

Warns of “a dystopian future in which no one is beyond the reach of Chinese censors”

Non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch warned Wednesday that if China continues to go unchecked, it threatens to enslave the entire global population and eviscerate freedom for good.

In its annual report, the think tank cautioned that the Communist Chinese government is using technology, censorship and violent repression to such an effective extent that it threatens to fundamentally undermine international human rights forever.

“Beijing has long suppressed domestic critics. Now the Chinese government is trying to extend that censorship to the rest of the world,” the 652-page report concluded.

HRW declared that China is now engaged in the “most intense attack” ever on freedom, and that President Xi Jinping’s government is executing“the most brutal and pervasive oppression that China has seen for decades,” including the implementation of a “nightmarish surveillance system” in Xinjiang province.

The report outlines how China is using its might to systematically silence political dissidents, religious groups, and ethnic minorities.

The report is so damning that Beijing banned HRW executive director, Kenneth Roth, from traveling to Hong Kong to attend an event to release it. Instead, the report was launched at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The report also criticized the UN, other countries, and global corporations for not doing enough to stand up to China, accusing them of being “willing accomplices,” of “enabling” the crackdown and turning a blind eye to “a dystopian future in which no one is beyond the reach of Chinese censors.”

“Far from being spurned as a global pariah, the Chinese government is courted the world over, its unelected president receiving red-carpet treatment wherever he...