90 Miles From Tyranny : Bio-Warfare -- The Cost-Benefit Analysis

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Bio-Warfare -- The Cost-Benefit Analysis

Did China start WWIII in the face of their economic failure after a half century of success?

How would China profit by launching a bio attack on the US’ economy, its people, political system, and businesses?

Maybe, if COVID-19 insured Donald Trump’s defeat?

The US economy was Trump’s ace to win 2020.

Would Chinese leaders conclude that Trump’s defeat will resume the annual half-trillion dollar wealth transfers to China

During this period of global prosperity the Democrat’s legacy media and politicians denied, then talked down, and as it continued rocketing upward with 151 market records, took credit for Trump’s economy.

Trump crushed the American Golden Goose from which China became wealthy.

Would Chinese leaders conclude that Trump’s defeat will resume the annual half-trillion dollar wealth transfers to China, courtesy of the Democrat’s historical alliances with Chinese government-owned businesses for mutual profit?


The infection rates in Italy share New York’s. Milani, Florentian, Italian fashion, cosmetics, shoes and jewelry, are highly demanded in Chinese markets. Busloads of Wuhan’s tourists descend daily on busy Italian landmarks.

This February as the infection rates rose, Florence’s progressive mayor called for “Hug a Chinese” Day! Same time New York’s councilmen and mayor encouraged New Yorkers to go about their business, hinting that coronavirus is a hoax, there’s nothing to worry about.

Lobbyists and their media mates in the Bureaucratic State, aka, the “Deep State,” united to nail Trump

They blamed Donald Trump for COVID-19 instead.

In preparation for his 2024 (or 2020?) presidential run, New York’s leftwing media rewarded governor Andrew Cuomo with soft-dollar campaign donations. They broadcast Cuomo’s daily campaign ads live, disguised as COVID-19 briefings. These lasted longer than the president’s. Meanwhile, alarmed over the favorable polling the president is getting for his handling of the crisis, the hostile partisan media is blacking out Trump’s.

Demanding thousands of respirators from the Federal government, 16,000 of which Cuomo refused to buy before the COVID-19 breakout, Andrew pivoted and upped his ante by invoking the dead to rise for him. This time by displaying his dad’s image in a pre-prepared powerpoint presentation. Daddy who spoke Ebonics fluently, was a former governor who ruined New York by bringing in a million welfare recipients from...

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capt fast said...

i recall biowar training in the usaf. wash your hands and face and clean equipment that you touch. wuhan has been in the biowar business since I can recall. great way to corner a market is to create the market then supply the answer for the demand.

SiGraybeard said...

If the Kung Flu is a Chicom bioweapon, it proves they really, really suck at bioweapons. It's horrifically ineffective.

Anonymous said...

Tell that to the dead.