90 Miles From Tyranny : 13 Happenings In 2021 That I Never Would Have Believed 5 Years Ago

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Monday, December 27, 2021

13 Happenings In 2021 That I Never Would Have Believed 5 Years Ago

Events happened this year that would have been believed impossible not long ago, with new lows and technological advances.

The world seemed to get closer to spinning out of its orbit in 2021. If you’d told me five years ago that men would be treated as women, criminals would not be prosecuted, and censorship would be widespread, I wouldn’t have believed you.

What were once considered the most basic, scientific truths (such as that you’re born with your sex and can’t change it) have broken down. Governments are no longer serving their primary function of providing security and protecting borders.

There are many more. As I reflected on the past year, here are just some of the many things that happened in 2021 that I never would have believed possible if someone had foretold them to me just five years ago.

1. Men As Women

The trend that most would have shocked my grandparents is transgenderism. Men are now competing with women in sports and being housed with women in prison. In 2021, President Biden appointed a man as a four-star admiral and proclaimed this was the “first” “female” “four-star officer.”

2. Blocking Puberty

A second shocker is that parents are enabling young children to try to change genders with dangerous surgeries and puberty blockers. Many public schools have a policy of not telling parents if their son or daughter has adopted a transgender identity at school.
3. Drafting Women

Third, the United States narrowly avoided a draft for women, which was supported by many elected officials in the “conservative” party.

4. Not Prosecuting Crime

In many U.S. cities, serious crimes are not being prosecuted and crime has surged, with a dozen cities breaking annual homicide records.

5. Massive Illegal Immigration

Millions of immigrants have crossed illegally into the United States this year, in record numbers. The Biden administration also considered paying $450,000 in reparations to illegal immigrant families separated at the border.

6. Widespread Censorship...

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mer said...

Drafting Women. I'm up in the air on this one; equality and all that, so why not have them register for the draft?
Or do we wind up getting a bunch of "you can't draft me I'm a woman" now?

SiGraybeard said...

Puberty blockers. It's pretty safe to assume any kid that takes these drugs will die of long term complications within 10 years or before the age of 30.

I wonder what the Venn diagram of parents who will give their kid puberty blockers and Covid vaccines. Perfect overlap?

HalfElf said...

If every job in the military must be gender neutral by law, why are women exempt from registration for mandatory service. They claimed 30 years ago they were being held back, now want a set aside making some people more equal than others. I am confused, the draft hasn't been active for over 40 years, so nobody is in any real fear of being drafted, but women claim it isn't fair for them to register?? Splain this to me please.