90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 3, 2017

Polish artillerymen during the battle of Monte Cassino - WWII

This multi-faceted battle marked one of the longest and bloodiest engagements of the Italian campaign during World War II. After attempts to overcome the Germans in the Liri Valley and at Anzio ended in stalemate, the Allies struggled to capture the western anchor of the Gustav Line and the Roman Catholic abbey of Monte Cassino. Two more offensives, which resulted in the destruction of the abbey and aerial bombardment of the region, again failed to produce the desired result. Only with the launch of Operation Diadem in May 1944 did the Gustav Line finally collapse, with the Second Polish Corps succeeding in capturing the abbey. Source

More Interesting Photos:

One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

Tough Decisions With Amy Schumer...

Sketchy Things About Amy Schumer Everyone Ignores

After Five Centuries Of Conquest, The Crusades Were A Defensive Measure To Protect The Christian World..

Dispelling The Myths Surrounding The Crusades...

Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of Incoming Trump Administration Officials

Susan Rice, who served as the National Security Adviser under President Obama, has been identified as the official who requested unmasking of incoming Trump officials, Cernovich Media can exclusively report.

The White House Counsel’s office identified Rice as the person responsible for the unmasking after examining Rice’s document log requests. The reports Rice requested to see are kept under tightly-controlled conditions. Each person must log her name before being granted access to them.

Upon learning of Rice’s actions, H. R. McMaster dispatched his close aide Derek Harvey to Capitol Hill to brief Chairman Nunes.

“Unmasking” is the process of identifying individuals whose communications were caught in the dragnet of intelligence gathering. While conducting investigations into terrorism and other related crimes, intelligence analysts incidentally capture conversations about parties not subject to the search warrant. The identities of individuals who are not under...

News You Can Use: Detecting Some Types Of Testicular Cancer...

5 Survival Stories Too Miraculous to Be Real

'Someone Very Well Known, Very High Up' Responsible for Unmasking Names in Collected Trump Data

There are a lot of rumors flying around that the person who illegally did this is known liar and Obama shill: Susan Rice....

Ever since President Donald Trump announced via Twitter that the Obama administration had “wiretapped” the phones at Trump Tower prior to the election, people on both sides of the aisle have been engaging in a competition of narratives.

Former President Barack Obama was reportedly furious, insisting that it was never his administration's policy to “spy” on anyone.

President Trump insisted that he had reason to believe his allegations were true, and several former intelligence officials spoke out in his defense.

But then House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) came forward, saying that while no evidence of physical wiretaps had been found, data had been collected on people within the incoming Trump administration during the...

New Huma Emails Uncover Clinton State Dept Plan To Bring NYT Reporter David Brooks To Heel

This simply confirms what we have always already known: The Mainstream Media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.


Recently released Huma Abedin State Department emails - acquired by Judicial Watch via FOIA request, reveal Clinton State Department staff planning to summon New York Times reporter David Brooks for an "OTR" (off the record) conversation over a "shot" he took at Hillary in a Febuary 2010 article. This isn't the first time we've learned of the Democrat apparatus wrapping their tentacles around the MSM, and it's the second time in weeks Judicial Watch has delivered a bombshell. They're doing good work.

In summary; Hillary Clinton - code named "Evergreen," fired off an email on February 9th, 2010 to advisors Philippe Reines and Jake Sullivan regarding an article written by NYT's David Brooks (links added):

From: Evergreen
To: PIR (Philippe Reines), Jake Sullivan
Subject: David Brooks

"Took a shot at me in his column today. Any ideas what prompted it?"

To which senior advisor Philippe Reines responds:

"Not sure - but this is a good excuse to bring him in for an OTR [off the record] with you. Lona mentioned you wanted to see [NYT Journalist] Tom Friedman - with your ok, we could schedule both (separately) over the next month or so.

I'd very much like to get back in the habit of bringing someone or a small group in every few weeks"

Followed by Jake Sullivan's response:

Phillippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular -- though not intrusive -- basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks 'figure out' how things work.

So a top Clinton advisor wanted to get 'back in the habit' of bringing people or groups in every few weeks? This clearly suggests...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Totalitarian Leftist Control Of The German People Is A Scary Thing To See...

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Truth About Judge Neil Gorsuch

Watch This One To The Very End...

IFL: Trump Train Vs. Crazy Train

Pssst, Hey You, Look What I Got....

More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Leftists...

Women Should Take Care Of The Household...

#Gun Rights

Optical Illusion...

More Illusion:

Find The Black Dot...

Optical Illusions..

I Think I Have A Crush On Tiffany Trump, What Should I Do?

So here is my dilemma:

I am old enough to be her father,
I am not rich,
I am not handsome,
I am not charming until I know you very well,
I am socially awkward,
What are my chances of dating her?

There I was tooling around the internet, minding my own damn business
when I happened on her Instagram Account, so I thought: cool, I will take a look...

I found out a few things about her: 
She is the daughter of Marla Maples, who still looks hot by the way:

Ok, so I am not completely delusional, but check out Tiffany's Instagram page, she looks like she has a lot of fun, and tell that JERK she is dating to get lost!

Caught On Tape: California High School Girl BEATEN For Supporting Trump

Do You Know This Scumbag?

State Department Spy Traded in US Secrets to Chinese for Money, iPhones, Expensive Gifts

Candace Marie Claiborne, 60 years, an employee of the Office of Caucasus Affairs in the State Department, traded information – sold her soul – to the Chinese for money, iPhones, vacations and other gifts.

An employee of the State Department since 1999, she and a relative, named as a co-conspirator, traded in U.S. secrets for at least five years. She even kept a journal of her misdeeds.

This employee with Top Secret clearance is charged with “Obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to the FBI.” Perhaps she will be charged with treason but she hasn’t been yet even though she labeled herself and a relative as spies. These charges alone, however, can put her away for up to...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Murmuration

Ok, this is a very short film so there is no excuse not to watch it.  Watch the murmuration, how can you have any pudding if you don't watch the murmuration?

I'm serious, this is absolutely magical, don't miss it.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Girls With Guns

No American City Should Be A Sanctuary City For Illegal Aliens..

How Will The Left's Love Affair With Islam End?

They Will Be Among The First To Be Persecuted.
And By Persecuted I Mean Thrown Off Buildings, Stoned, Hanged, And Have Their Head Semi Swiftly Separated From Their Body...

The Media Is Simply Leftist Propaganda Designed To Brainwash The Weak Minded...

Did You ASSUME She Was A Terrorist?

How Could You Possibly Assume Her Identity? Did She Tell You She Identifies As A Terrorist? 

Is That True Or Did You Hear It On CNN?

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

minds.com is The New Facebook

Tired of leftist Facebook?

Want to try something new?

minds.com is in beta and things are changing, shifting, getting rearranged, it is the new world.

Do you still have that pioneering spirit that settled America?

Try it: https://www.minds.com/MikeMiles

Subscribe to my channel while you are at it....

The Shifting Narrative From The Dishonest Media...

Bombshell report: Fox News says Congress knows ID of ‘senior’ intel source unmasking US citizens to embarrass Trump

A game of politics is being played by high-level intelligence sources out to embarrass President Donald Trump and his administration.

…and Congressional investigators have the name of at least one of the sources.

That’s according to Fox News senior 
correspondent Adam Housley, who is reporting that the unmasking of private U.S. citizens began before Trump was the GOP nominee and was done for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security.

“The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens, but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security or an investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election,” a congressional source close to the investigation told Fox News.

Housley said his sources have grown “frustrated with...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

When You Are Inches From Disaster...